Basket of roses
Basket of roses
Basket with red and white roses with large buds, accompanied by eucalyptus leaves. A wonderful gift to offer without moderation for a declaration of love.
This basket of roses will enhance your floral decoration for your wedding, baptism, anniversary, mourning, or a new birth.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Our customers tell you about it
My mom received the beautiful dried flower crown delivered to her home, and she is delighted. And so am I, as I live abroad and couldn’t be there for the celebrations. Thank you.
Super cute store, the floral arrangements are beautiful and the welcome is very nice!
Incredible service, attentive and personalized! I highly recommend 🌸🌺🌷 the flowers and creations are beautiful.
We love this store. We find beautiful flowers and adorable salespeople 😊 If you’re looking for a gift or something other than flowers, the selection is also top-notch and high quality (candles, soaps, teas, decorations, etc.). Even in a last-minute pinch, I found a great stuffed animal for a birth 😍 in short, we love it!
Magnificent, elegant, and original floral arrangement made for the funeral of a great woman of character, your creativity matched the uniqueness of our charming friend, thank you!